First day- Prac

Well, I had an amazing first day, I went in all prepared for some explosion after a pre meeting with my mentor, but it was a great day. The students are in a special school but I would still say a very high level of understanding. We had a swimming lesson in the afternoon and maths and literacy blocks today.  I attended two different staff meetings in one day and learnt heaps about the curriculum or some of the issues teachers are finding in collaborating. I also was introduced to the Yumi Deadly Maths concepts.  I had a verbal response from the student who hates change and was able to assist many of the students in literacy and maths, This helped develop some relationship between us. Today I am still going into the unknown but its a safe unknown now. see you later

2 thoughts on “First day- Prac

  1. Pingback: First day in school for professional Experience | Ajani Wadood's ICT Blog.

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